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When Did Food Become a Sin?

Posted By Helen Jackson On November 8, 2011 @ 2:11 pm In Blogs | 9 Comments

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Irene Field
Some of you may be aware of the (to be read with hushed breath) ‘Seven Deadly Sins’. To refresh your memory they are:

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

Lately it has come to my notice that another sin appears to have been slipped onto the list. There was no trumpet or fanfare. No ‘Breaking News’ announcement. The Pope did not stand on his balcony at the Vatican to make an announcement.  Like a burglar on a dark night, the eighth sin appears to have been inserted on the list and is labelled ‘Food’.

Have you enjoyed a piece of chocolate. Oh the shock, the horror. You have sinned. Did you dare share a recipe you  made, that has, gasp, fat in some form in the ingredients list. Off to the gallows with you. Hang your head in shame and off with your head.

Now I can understand that smoking, which was once the norm is no longer socially acceptable to the masses. However, we do not have to smoke to keep our body functioning.

Not only do we need food to function, it has the added bonus of tasting good. There are some tasty, and not so tasty bits, which are governed by our very individual thousands of taste buds lurking on the top of our tongue.


A Restaurant has opened in Berlin, proudly advertising ‘Real Food Revolution – Paleolithic cuisine!’  If that twists and twirls your buttons and is a must see next time you drop in to Berlin, fine. But sorry cave man food does not appeal to this writer, especially when enjoying a dining out experience.  If I wanted to make like a caveman (or in this instance caveman’s wife),  I would don an outfit resembling Betty Flintstones and hang out in a cave with no modern  accessories – and which means gulp, I would have to give up my iPhone, deodorant and shampoo – and forage for my own seeds and nuts. Imagine the damage to one’s fingernails!

Now it feels like we have to apologise for enjoying a sweet indulgence.  I confess, I not only made, but ate and enjoyed homemade pavlova slathered in cream. How many lashes will that be? Yes we make our own sausages and the taste isn’t the same without fat added.  That will be five hundred Hail Mary’s.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

What is going on in this world.  Was it only a generation or two ago, food wasn’t the big bogey man? You did not have to apologise for indulging in something. And was it less than five years ago, eggs were the big no no. But now they are a yes, yes?

When I read that 10 year olds are having anorexia issues, I wonder if the above is leading to this. Let’s embrace food. I need it for fuel, I need it for the pleasure a morsel or two will provide.  If my indulgence is Paleolithic Cuisine fine. But If my indulgence is homemade baking, or a traditional roast, or butter laden French cuisine – isn’t that my choice, and not for others to judge?

What do you think?



Article printed from Recipes For Food Lovers Including Cooking Tips At Foodlovers.co.nz: https://www.foodlovers.co.nz

URL to article: https://www.foodlovers.co.nz/blog/when-did-food-become-a-sin.html

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