Katie’s Cake


katies cake

Katie at 11 is probably our youngest entrant. She loves baking and spends much time making cupcakes with special icing decorations for family and friends. She was really keen to enter this competition making a cake from Bluebell Bakery cookbook that she got for Xmas. This was a major challenge as a layered cake is not something she has done before. To add to the challenge, her family are renovating the kitchen and there was nothing to work in. So Katie packed up her ingredients last weekend and we went to a friend’s place and set up baking shop there. It took a while (and a few changes of clothes along the way) but we think she has done extraordinarily well!
katie 2


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24 thoughts on “Katie’s Cake

  1. Katie your cake looks amazing! Its great that you have such a passion for baking, the good thing about baking is that you will always have an appreciative audience waiting to sample your treats. Good luck :)

    • yeah, i agree and you cant really get bored of it cause you eat it and then make another one!! thank you for the vote! could you please tell other people to vote if you havent already!!!!!!!! :-)

    • thank you so much chris and john!! if you would could you please tell as many people as possible to vote and for them to tell as many people as they know etc… anyway, thanks!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  2. No idea how to vote for Katie?? Like? No idea no obvious way to vote. I would like to vote for Katies entry please :)

    • thanks Maureen i am currently in the top 6 and will go through to the finals. i will need another vote soon but will let you know :-) and thanks sooooooooo much :-)

  3. This girl is amazing at cooking.
    She comes to my school and (even though this sounds impossible) it taste better then it looks!!!!

    Oh, and Katie if you read this

    • thanks Emmy! can you please tell your mates in Europe or anywhere to vote as well!? miss you tones! love you :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    • thanks sooo much, im in the top 6 and will be needing another vote soon as i am going through to the finals :-)

      granny is very proud of me and says hi!!