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- 2 cups dried white beans (haricot, lima)
- 125g bacon ends
- 2 tablespoons molasses, treacle or golden syrup
- 2 cups boiling water (from beans in cooking)
- 9 tablespoons tomato sauce (or a tin of tomato concentrate)
- 4 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 large onion , chopped
- 3 teaspoons prepared mustard
- 2 teaspoons salt
Wash beans, cover with plenty of water and soak overnight. Boil in water for
1 hour, or longer until soft. Drain and reserve water. Slice bacon ends into saucepan or casserole and add all other ingredients, mix well and cover.
Simmer or bake at 150 C until beans are really tender.
way too sweet!!!
tryed again and reduced the golden syruo to one desertspoon and the brown sugar to a heaped desertspoon.Much better.
A nice, easy-going mild baked beans dish, similar to Wattie’s Baked Beans. It could do with a bit of jazzing up, but children would probably be quite happy with it as is.