The thing about persimmons
The thing about persimmons is that they’re not only beautiful to look at, but delicious in so many ways. The tree itself is really attractive, too, especially in Autumn.
I’ve baked them in cakes, but prefer roasting them, peeled and sliced, with some pomegranate molasses . Such a quick dessert and simply served with plain yoghurt or a bespoke ice cream.
Last year, though, I thought I’d try something different, and came up with Persimmon ‘Marmalade’, which is seriously delicious. It does contain oranges and limes, but persimmons add complexity to the flavour and of course give a different texture. This year I’ve made a double lot (which is quite a big quantity), but about half way through I had to put a lid on and leave it overnight because i’d run out of time to jar it up. I completed the process the next morning, and if anything it was even better than the previous year’s effort!
Persimmon ‘Marmalade’
Not sweet, not sour, this ‘marmalade’ is not a traditional marmalade, but does have a lovely citrus flavour. Delicious with a hot crusty croissant (or toast, pancake or scone).
700g thin -skinned oranges
300g limes (or lemons)
1 kg ripe but firm persimmons
6 cups water (1 ½ litres)
4 cups sugar
Wash all the fruit but don’t peel.
Slice the oranges and limes or lemons thinly then into small (4mm) pieces. It’s important only that the skins of the citrus are not too chunky.
Chop the persimmons roughly then pulse in a processor until chopped but not pureed – it should look coarsely grated.
Place all ingredients in a large heavy bottomed pot and bring to simmer point over a medium-high heat.
Simmer for 1 ½ – 2 hours or until the mixture is reduced by about half and has thickened to a jam-like consistency.
This is a beautiful jam. I didn’t make it to recipe substituting mandarin instead of oranges (but only because I had a surplus supply in my garden). I am sure it would be just as tasty or more so if oranges were used. My only suggestion would be to start with a little less water. Gorgeous colour.