Archives for Cheese

Ingredients 750 mls plain yoghurt 1 teaspoon sea salt 4 garlic cloves, bruised 2 sprigs rosemary extra virgin olive oil

Smoked Salmon and Mascarpone Pizza

Quince Paste

Macaroni Cheese

Caramelised Onion Goats Cheese And Rosemary Tarts

Cheesey, Crunchy Asparagus
Ingredients 1 tin asparagus, drained 1 eggs, boiled 1 packet chips Cheese sauce

Matatoki Farm Cheese
Matatoki produce farmhouse cheese on the Coromandel Peninsula. See the large variety of styles including organic, sheep milk, blues and greek yoghurt. Some variation due to season and availability.

Te Mata Cheese
Te Mata Cheese Company in Hawkes Bay wine-country specializes in award-winning brie and blue style cheese from sheep, goat and cows milk. Join our cheese club at www.tematacheese.co.nz.

Curds & Whey
Suppliers of cheesemaking supplies and dairy equipment for commercial and artisan cheesemakers: everything from cheese starter kits to your fully equipped farmhouse dairy. NEW – Farmhouse cheesemaking workshops Sept 2007 in Auckland.

Whitestone Cheese
Whitestone Cheese, established in Oamaru 1987. They produce an award winning range of organic, and natural cow and sheep’s milk cheeses. All products are handcrafted to traditional and Whitestone’s unique regional styles.

Mahoe Farmhouse Cheese
Mahoe Cheese is very much a grass-to-table operation. Milk from organically reared Fresians is used in their award winning aged & fresh cheeses.

The Virtues Of Snacking
Virgil Evetts I don’t know about you, but I just can’t go anywhere near the supermarket on an empty stomach. I’ve done it a few times and ended up stumbling around the isles in a starved stupor, eventually getting home … Read more

Fromage Fort- And Won.
Virgil Evetts Fromage fort- meaning strong, or possibly fortified cheese- is an exercise in frugality that only the French could have dreamt-up. Conceived, no doubt as way of using left-over cheese scraps and wine-dregs this ancient Gallic delight is sadly … Read more